AquaBiota has performed surveys before the development of the thermal power station in Lövsta and the construction of a new harbor for Sweco Environment AB.
AquaBiota has performed surveys before development of the thermal power station in Lövsta and the construction of a new harbor. Limnic surveys were performed lake Mälaren in June 2018 using drop video and Van-Veen grabs I order to identify conservation values. During the autumn 2018 a biotope survey was carried out on land in order to find suitable areas for spawning, migration and wintering for amphibians. The reports from the surveys provide a description of limnic conservation values in the area as well as potentially important areas for amphibians and discuss which of those that may be affected by the planned work as well as what measures that can be taken in order to avoid or minimize impacts. An additional survey using eDNA may be carried out in the spring 2019 in order to identify what species of amphibians that spawn in the small waters in the area with high certainty.