Monitoring of the marine habitats 1160 Large shallow inlets and bays and 1170 reefs was performed with drop-video. The project provided basis for the establishment of a national program for biogeographical monitoring.
AquaBiota conducted inventories of the seafloor in the water districts of the Bothnian, Northern and Southern Baltic Proper in August and September 2015. In total, 600 stations were visited.
The purpose of the study was to monitor the marine habitats 1160 Large shallow inlets and bays and 1170 Reefs. The inventories were conducted using the national method for drop video. The study also provided basis for the establishment of a national program for biogeographic monitoring of marine habitats and species. The program is mainly applicable to marine habitat types and species within the Nature and Habitats Directive, cf. Natura 2000 natural habitats and species.
The habitat 1170 Reefs is also found offshore, but this survey was restricted to reefs in coastal areas (within one nautical mile outside the baseline).