EU LIFE+ project in which innovative monitoring and assessment approaches were developed based on a joint set of marine biodiversity indicators as well as to test in practice the monitoring and assessment techniques.
The project further developed concepts for assessment of conservation status of marine biodiversity, including species and habitats and impacts of various human activities. The project was acting in the Baltic Sea in territorial waters and EEZ of Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden. It was aiming at applying a regional approach for future marine biodiversity monitoring and cross country co-operation when assessing marine biodiversity in the Baltic Sea.
Project duration: 2010 – 2015
The project was funded by European Union LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity program as well as other donors and project partners.
Project coordinating beneficiary: Baltic Environmental Forum – Latvia (project manager Heidrun Fammler).
Associated beneficiaries: Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (Latvia); Institute for Environmental Solutions (Latvia); Latvian Fund for Nature (Latvia); Nature Conservation Agency (Latvia); Baltic Environmental Forum-Estonia (Estonia); Estonian Marine Institute (Estonia); Finnish Environment Institute (Finland); Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (Finland); Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (Sweden).
See the project web site for more information.
Bojars, E., Fleming-Lehtinen V., Kuris, M., Klein, L., Remmelgas, L., Näslund, J., Kujansuu, S. & Fetzer, A., 2011: Availability of marine biodiversity data in Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden for the MARMONI project needs. Available at
Fleming-Lehtinen V, Bojars E, Kuris M, Klein L, Remmelgas L, Näslund J & Kujansuu S., 2011: Biodiversity-related requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Available at
Fyhr, F., Nilsson, Å., Nyström Sandman, A., 2013: A review of Ocean Zoning tools and Species distribution modelling methods for Marine Spatial Planning, MARMONI project report (
Klein, L., Bojars, E., Fleming-Lehtinen V., Kuris, M., Remmelgas, L., Näslund, J. & Kujansuu, S. 2011: Availability of sea use and pressure data in Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden for the MARMONI project needs. Available at
Sundblad G., Isaeus M., Hertzman J., Carlsson C., & Lindahl U., 2013: Inventering av undervattensmiljöer med hjälp av dropvideo – rapport från workshop 23-24 september 2013.
Wijkmark N. m.fl. 2014: Field, laboratory and experimental work within the MARMONI project – report on survey results and obtained data. MARMONI-report.
The Swedish project area, Hanö Bight. Map by Kristjan Herkül, Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu
Map showing field work invetories made within the Swedish study area during 2011-2012