Many coastal fish communities in the Baltic Sea have experienced a regime shift where predatory fish (pike and perch) have been replaced by three-spined sticklebacks. Hypotheses for the decline in top predators involve top-down control of adult fish by cormorants and seals, predation on the larvae by three-spined stickleback, and stickleback competition for zooplankton. However, […]
Ox2 Wind power park Galatea – Galene
Ox2 is planning to build an offshore wind power part in two sub-areas, named Galatea – Galene off the coast of Falkenberg and Varberg in Kattegatt. Since wind power is a renewable and emission-free energy source, an extensive development of more wind power parks could help Sweden to reach several of the national environmental objectives. […]
OX2 Wind power park Aurora
AquaBiota supports OX2 in the process of acquiring a permit to build a wind power park at the Aurora area. OX2 is planning to build a wind power park in the Baltic sea, located east of Öland called Aurora. Wind power is a renewable and emission-free source of energy and further development of wind power […]
Field surveys for mapping conservation values in the Swedish part of the Baltic Proper
Extensive field surveys were performed during the summer and autumn 2018 in order to complete existing biological field data for mapping of marine conservation values in the marine spatial planning area of the Baltic Proper. AquaBiota performed extensive field surveys in large parts of the Swedish marine spatial planning area, the Baltic Proper (includes the […]
Conservation value survey before cable laying in a lake
A conservation value survey is performed on land and in the water in the southern part of Lake Kvarnsjön, Huddinge before a planned cable laying in the lake. AquaBiota performs a conservation value survey in the southern part of lake Kvarnsjön, Huddinge for ABEKA before a planned cable laying in the lake which is known […]
Analysis of zoobenthic communities in monitoring program for marine sand extraction
The coastal areas in Southern Sweden are threatened by an increasing coastal erosion. To mitigate the severe erosion of land, Ystad municipality executes sand extraction ca 7 km offshore to replace eroded beaches during 2011-2021. As a part of the ongoing monitoring measures, AquaBiota have analysed zoobenthic samples taken in the sand extraction areas as […]
MARMONI – Innovative approaches for marine biodiversity monitoring and assessment of conservation status of nature values in the Baltic Sea
EU LIFE+ project in which innovative monitoring and assessment approaches were developed based on a joint set of marine biodiversity indicators as well as to test in practice the monitoring and assessment techniques. The project further developed concepts for assessment of conservation status of marine biodiversity, including species and habitats and impacts of various human […]