At the request of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, AquaBiota has participated in the work of developing Mosaic. Mosaic is a tool for identifying valuable marine areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services in viable and ecologically representative networks. The purpose of the tool is to contribute to an ecosystem-based, […]
The Swedish implementation of the WFD
AquaBiota took part in a comparative learning study by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, concerning methods used to determine the response to reduce nutrients in water bodies in the Baltic and North Sea under the EU Water Framework Directive. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires Member States to achieve good ecological status of waters, including […]
Work with the MSFD
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is the EU umbrella for the marine environment, and covers all marine waters from the coastline to the exclusive economic zone. AquaBiota participates in MSFD work on both national and international level. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EG) was adopted in 2008 and aims to achieve Good Environmental Status […]
Freshwater extraction
On behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, AquaBiota produced supporting documents to be used for guidance regarding freshwater extraction (surface and ground water). Water extraction refers to the amount of water being pumped from lakes, rivers, coastal waters or groundwater reservoirs to be used in public or private applications. Swedish water […]