In May 2018, AquaBiota carried out inventories of coastal fish communities along the northern Baltic coast with the help of eDNA. A total of 27 fish species were detected, which reflected the coastal non-pelagic fish fauna. Grayling was detected at a station and European chub in another. European chub are very rarely occurring that far north of Sweden and has not been found in the County since 1929.

The Rickleå station where Grayling (Thymallus thymallus) were detected.
On behalf of the County Administrative Boards in Västernorrland County and Västerbotten County, AquaBiota performed inventories of coastal fish communities along the Baltic Sea coast in May 2018. Species was inventoried using eDNA through so-called multi-species analyzes (metabarcoding). In addition to general species detection, extra interest was shown for coastal grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in some known reproduction areas as well as possible but unknown occurrence of the invasive species round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) near major port areas. A total of 27 fish species were detected, which reflected the coastal non-pelagic fish fauna. Grayling was detected in a station. The round goby was not detected in any of the samples. This was expected because round goby has not been found so far north of Sweden, although it is found on the Finnish side of the Baltic Sea at corresponding latitudes. Additionally the European chub (Squalius cephalus), which is very rare so far north of Sweden, was detected. It haven’t been found in the Västernorrland County since 1929.
Report (in Swedish):
Näslund, J., Wijkmark, N. Hellström M & Spens J. 2018: eDNA-inventering av strandnära fisksamhällen längs svenska norrlandskusten i maj 2018. AquaBiota Rapport 2018:08. 26 sid. ISBN: 978-91-85975-77-8.