In cooperation with Tyréns and Sweco Rail, AquaBiota surveyed amphibians and fish using aquatic eDNA and metabarcoding (multi-species analysis), to support their work with environmental impact assessments. The data will be used in development planning for an extension of the Skelleftehamn harbour area, and impact assessment of the construction of a two-way railroad between Helsingborg and Ängelholm.

Sampling station at Näsudden, Skelleftehamn, where common newt, moor frog and common toad were detected in a one liter water sample.
These two surveys show that eDNA is an efficient tool for monitoring of fish and amphibians in various aquatic environments. The method works well in wetlands, rivers, streams, lakes as well as marine waters. Many amphibian and fish species are very difficult to detect using traditional survey methods, making traditional field identification of certain species time-consuming.
Further reading:
Hellström, M., Wijkmark, N., Näslund, J. 2018: eDNA-inventering av fisk, flodkräfta och groddjur i fyra lokaler på Näsudden, Skellefteå . AquaBiota Report 2018:04 (in Swedish).
Hellström, M. och J. Näslund. 2018: eDNA-inventering av groddjur och fiskar på två lokaler i Skåne. AquaBiota Report 2018:05 (in Swedish).