Valuation of ecosystem services is used to visualize and enhance understanding of human dependence on healthy ecosystems. Together with Anthesis Enveco and Belyazid Consulting & Communication, AquaBiota has identified, mapped and valued both marine and terrestrial ecosystem services in the coastal zone of Blekinge.
The report’s main objective is to enhance understanding of those challenges and possibilities Blekinge needs to address for long-term sustainable development along the coast. This requires input from a variety of actors and trade-offs between different sectors and interests, including the values of ecosystem services. Ecosystem services are valued based on their benefits to society, although the valuation process is more concerned with relative values than exact monetary assessments.
In the report we discuss options for Blekinge to develop its coastal ecosystem services, and describe current threats. We also suggest measures to ensure and strengthen ecosystem services in Blekinge.
Linc to report (in Swedish):
Linus Hasselström, Jenny Wallström och Antonia Nyström Sandman 2017: Kartläggning av Blekingekustens ekosystemtjänster. Länsstyrelsen Blekinge län Rapport: 2017:23. In Swedish.