September 1st, AquaBiota joined the NIRAS group! We are thus now part of an international business with environmental consultants in a variety of fields and world-wide operations. AquaBiota will enhance the marine and limnic competence of NIRAS Sweden and collaborate with researchers and consultants in Sweden as well as in other countries. As part of […]
AquaBiota Gasell 2022
AquaBiota has been appointed as a Gasell Company 2022 by the newspaper Dagens Industri! Every year Dagens Industry recognizes Sweden’s most successful companies; the criteria are tough and less than 1 percent of Sweden’s limited companies qualify. The growth that is rewarded must be organic, i.e. not through acquisition. “It feels great to be acknowledged […]
‘Mixed species groups in mammals’, one of 16 classic papers celebrating 50 years of Mammal Review
A paper by Eva Isaeus and others is featured in a celebration issue of Mammal Review. To celebrate 50 years of Mammal Review, the journal released an virtual issue of Classic Papers, a selection of articles published since the first volume in 1970. Representative, highly-cited papers, were picked for being of great value for the […]
Application and EIA for Storgrundet announced
Earlier this year, wpd submitted an application to the Land and Environment Court for permit to build an offshore wind farm on Storgrundet. The application was announced this autumn, which means the EIA is considered sufficient and the trial can begin. Since 2006 AquaBiota has had various assignments related to wpd’s plans to build a […]
Webinars about large-scale sustainable offshore wind power
During November and December, AquaBiota conducted a series of webinars where preliminary results from the three-year research project Marin Medvind – a basis for large-scale sustainable offshore wind power were presented by project manager Martin Isaeus. Around 40 participants from industry, management and government attended, asking interesting questions and participating in discussions. This feedback on […]
New paper on trend correlations for coastal eutrophication
Trend correlations for coastal eutrophication and its main local and whole-sea drivers – Application to the Baltic Sea, a peer-reviewed article from the collaborations of AquaBiota on the research activities in the Baltic Sea has being recently published. The work of Vigouroux et al. 2021, where our colleague and co-author José Beltrán, describes a systematic […]
IMAGINE summarized
IMAGINE, a research project on marine landscape management, has investigated how different management strategies can be used strengthen and support the preservation of green infrastructure in the marine environment. The report (in Swedish) includes different examples and case-studies from Swedish sea areas, describing what is needed from legislation, planning and management strategies to achieve national […]
New report on marine green infrastructure
Results from IMAGINE, a research project on marine landscape management, are now published. The focus of IMAGINE is to investigate how different management strategies can be used strengthen and support the preservation of green infrastructure in the marine environment. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency defines green infrastructure as “an ecologically functional network of habitats and […]
The field season has started
This year’s field season is underway and marine biologists from AquaBiota have recently returned from a fish survey close to the Eystrasalt bank, an exposed and shallow offshore area in the middle of the Bothnian Sea. The survey was carried out on behalf of wpd who wants to explore the possibilities of establishing a wind […]
Comparisons of traditional net fishing and eDNA sampling for coastal fish surveys
On behalf of Blekinge County Administrative Board Aquabiota mapped the fish community in the Gåsefjärden area in Kalskrona archipelago using eDNA and net fishing, as well as compared these methods. In the month of August 2019, 45 stations were sampled by net fishing and 17 by eDNA, of which 16 stations were mutual for both […]
AquaBiota is out of office 6th to 26th July
AquaBiota is out of office 6th to 26th July. Scheduled fieldwork will be carried out, but otherwise we are on vacation. For urgent matters, please find direct numbers on our co-worker page. We wish you a lovely summer!
AquaBiota is moving to a new address
In the end of September AquaBiota is relocating from our current address at Löjtnantsgatan to Sveavägen 159. The office is currently under renovation and AquaBiota has had great help choosing colours and decor from Margreth from the architectural firm Tillsammans. We are looking forward to welcoming out partners and clients to our new address during […]
Limnic environmental monitoring in Sundstatjärn
Sundstatjärn is a popular bathing lake in central Karlstad, that has been struggling with eutrophication for many years. Eutrophication gives rise to cyanobacteria during the warm months of the year. These blooms of cyanobacteria can in turn produce harmful toxins. To minimize the risks to humans and animals, Aquabiota on behalf of the Municipality of […]
Fish assemblages & habitat patterns in the Baltic Sea
A new study in Marine Biodiversity has been published focusing on seagrass fish assemblages in a seascape ecology perspective in the Baltic Sea in collaboration with the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences and the Baltic Sea Centre at Stockholm University. This study set out to determine fish assemblage composition in Zostera marina (L.) […]
AquaBiota in HELCOM
Since September 2018, Antonia Nyström Sandman is Chair of the HELCOM Expert Network on Benthic habitats, EN BENTHIC. In November she chaired her first meeting. Over the past years, AquaBiota has participated in HELCOM’s work on the marine environment. We have contributed to the HELCOM Underwater Biotope classification, the HELCOM Red List and written recommendations […]
Breakthrough in monitoring methods of polar bears through snow tracks. News from the BBC.
To date, in order to take tests, polar bears have been tranquilised with dart guns or by examining dead animals. With a new method it is enough to find traces in the snow to be able to identify polar bears at the individual level which is both non-intrusive and cost effective. This pilot project was […]
Temperature drives cod movements
A new study in Ecology and Evolution has been published focusing on the movement patterns of Atlantic cod in collaboration with Stockholm University, Zoological Society of London and the County Administrative Board Västra Götaland. The Atlantic cod is classed as vulnerable and under extreme pressure from fishing. More information is needed about the ecology and […]
AquaBiota has finished its summer field season
AquaBiota has recently completed its summer field season. One of the tasks that AquaBiota performed was conducting SCUBA diving surveys around Hanö, in the Bight of Hanö. We were struck by how beautiful it was in many places and that the biodiversity was so high. The assignment was carried out for the County Administrative Board […]
The harmful pink salmon is surveyed in Sweden in an international eDNA survey
To survey the invasion of the harmful pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) a collaborative international project 1000 Rivers was launched on September 10th 2019 (in Sweden September 18th 2019). (1000rivers eDNA).Ten countries participate in the survey to detect the species by using eDNA, i.e. capturing DNA traces directly from filtered water. The pink salmon is a […]
Identifying areas prone to coastal hypoxia – the role of topography
A new paper in Biogeosciences demonstrates the role of topography for formation of hypoxia in coastal areas. In cooperation with researchers from Finnish Environment Institute, University of Helsinki and the Baltic Sea Centre, we have developed a model to identify areas prone to hypoxia. Hypoxia is an increasing problem in marine ecosystems around the world. […]
Tracks in the snow – preparation for winter field work 2019-2020
Performing eDNA analysis on snow tracks provides new opportunities for studying individual animals, their migration patterns and relationships. Right now, preparations are underway for winter field work in Sweden where lynx tracks will be sampled when the snow has fallen. The lynx project is a pilot study funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency where […]
Nip in the bud- eDNA for early detection of deadly infectious disease
New article. eDNA detects schistostomiasis (snail fever), the second largest cause of death in the world after malaria. The article presents a paradigm shift in moving from disease control to elimination. An international team, including a researcher from AquaBiota, has published a research article in PNAS showing that eDNA detects schistosomiasis at an early stage […]
State-of the-art methods to increase knowledge of response to climate change in the Baltic Sea
A new study integrates experimental data and distribution models to predict species patterns under future climate conditions. Predictive species distribution models are mostly based on statistical dependence between environmental and distributional data and therefore may fail to account for physiological limits and biological interactions that are fundamental when modelling species distributions under future climate conditions. […]
Conservation and nested targets within marine protected areas in Sweden
AquaBiota did an analysis of spatial information for different Natura 2000 habitats and, conservation- and nested targets. The analysis is meant to support the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management investigation regarding the ecological functionality, connectivity and representativeness of the network of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in Sweden. Within Swedish marine areas there are […]
New research project on aquatic eDNA: Life-DNAquatic!
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has decided to finance the new research project Life-DNAquatic with approx. 500 000 € for three years (2019-2021). AquaBiota is the main applicant and researchers at Nature Metrics (UK), University of Hull (UK), MoRe Research (SE), Swedish Agricultural University (SE) and INBO (BE) will also participate in the project. The […]
Analyses of close to 1400 dropvideo films are completed
During this summer, AquaBiota surveyed the Baltic Proper’s bottoms with dropvideo in no less than 1382 stations. The surveys was commissioned by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SWaM) and the county administrative board of Gävleborg for the purpose of producing maps of biological components for the entire Swedish coast. The Gävleborg survey […]
Grayling and European chub found on the northern Baltic coast
In May 2018, AquaBiota carried out inventories of coastal fish communities along the northern Baltic coast with the help of eDNA. A total of 27 fish species were detected, which reflected the coastal non-pelagic fish fauna. Grayling was detected at a station and European chub in another. European chub are very rarely occurring that far […]
eDNA-technology detected 18 fish species including sheatfish in lake Båven
In August 2018, AquaBiota performed an eDNA inventory of fish species in lake Båven (surface area 64,2 km²) in the county of Sörmland, commissioned by the water management association in Nyköping (Nyköpingsåarnas Vattenvårdsförbund). Eighteen fish species were found in the lake, including the threatened sheatfish (Silurus glanis) that during the time of sampling had sought out […]
Fieldworks 2018 for the Swedish marine mapping program is now completed
AquaBiota was commissioned by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SWaM) and the county administrative board of Gävleborg to survey the seafloor of Kalmar, Gotland, Östergötland, Södermanland, Stockholm and Gävleborg counties. In total, 1382 drop video stations, 622 grab sampling stations and 130 snorkelling and diving locations were sampled. The surveys are part […]
DNA-based identification of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) individuals from snow tracks
During a three-year period, methods for DNA-based identification of individuals of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from snow tracks will be developed. Newly developed DNA-collection and extraction methods will be used to analyse DNA from snow tracks to identify individuals and sex. The advantage of the method is that identification can be made without taking physical […]
New scientific publication on the distribution of Baltic harbour porpoises
The Baltic Proper harbour porpoise is critically endangered, and its distribution virtually unknown. A new research article in Biological Conservation describes the spatial and seasonal distribution of harbour porpoises in the Baltic. Harbour porpoises are only visible when they emerge to the surface for breathing. In combination with their low numbers, this makes them difficult […]
eDNA-inventories as decision support in Environmental Impact Assessments
In cooperation with Tyréns and Sweco Rail, AquaBiota surveyed amphibians and fish using aquatic eDNA and metabarcoding (multi-species analysis), to support their work with environmental impact assessments. The data will be used in development planning for an extension of the Skelleftehamn harbour area, and impact assessment of the construction of a two-way railroad between Helsingborg […]
Conservation values at Klints Bank
Using drop-video AquaBiota has investigated the conservation values at Klints Bank east of Gotland. The number of occurring species was very limited and the dominating organisms were blue mussels and hydrozoans. Mussel beds occurred at 40% of the stations, and were more common in shallower areas where hard substrate occurred to a greater extent. The […]
eDNA provides facts about the effects of hydropower plants
Fish fauna upstream and downstream Spjutmo hydropower plant in Dalarna was investigated using aquatic eDNA and metabarcoding. The survey was made by AquaBiota on behalf of Fortum Sweden. The results from this study can be used to suggest suitable measures for lake Spjutmo as part of Sweden’s undertakings regarding green infrastructure. Österdalälven above lake Spjutmo. […]
Municipal marine spatial planning in Kävlinge
On behalf of Kävlinge, AquaBiota has produced background data for planning purposes as part of a regional marine spatial planning project in Öresund. Usage of the sea is increasing. Fishing, recreation, transports and energy production need to share a limited space already occupied with marine habitats and organisms. Marine spatial planning aims for long term […]
Introduced species might cause major costs to society
Alien species can have a negative effect on the functioning of ecosystems, and thereby deteriorate the ecosystem services provided by nature. Deep sediments cover large parts of the Baltic Sea. They provide important functions, such as decomposition of organic matter and recirculation of nutrients. Since the 1990ies these habitats have undergone a radical change. An […]
Footprints in the snow – new DNA method for mammal inventories
DNA has been isolated from footprints left in the snow by three otters in Northern Sweden. Scientists at AquaBiota in Stockholm, Sweden, managed to retrieve large amounts of high quality DNA from snow footprints by using a new molecular technique. The results revealed both DNA from the otters themselves and traces from their latest food […]
eDNA detects 84 fish-populations in ten Swedish coastal watercourses
In February 2017 AquaBiota monitored fish-communities in ten coastward discharging rivers in northern Sweden, by using eDNA (environmental DNA metabarcoding). From each waterbody a few litres of water was collected and subsequently analysed for traces of fish DNA in order to identify the different species. Historical data from electrofishing spanning over 30 years was compared […]
Are microplastic pollution really as harmful as we think?
Abstract New scientific article: Microplastic pollution is currently perceived as an environmental hazard, and adverse effects have been reported at various levels of biological organization. However, most experimental designs do not allow plastic-specific effects to be distinguished from those caused by other particles, such as clay and cellulose, which are naturally ubiquitous in the environment. […]
Two reports on the environmental impact and spatial needs of shipping
Shipping may impact marine conservation values in many ways. These two reports describe the current situation of maritime traffic in Kattegatt and at Salvorev, north of Gotland, and the impacts of the expected changes in traffic are investigated in terms of conservation values and shipping spatial needs. The reports are produced by AquaBiota Water Research […]
Mapping of coastal ecosystem services in Blekinge
Valuation of ecosystem services is used to visualize and enhance understanding of human dependence on healthy ecosystems. Together with Anthesis Enveco and Belyazid Consulting & Communication, AquaBiota has identified, mapped and valued both marine and terrestrial ecosystem services in the coastal zone of Blekinge. The report’s main objective is to enhance understanding of those challenges […]
Bladderwrack in the Baltic may be severely affected by climate change
Due to the salinity gradient and low biodiversity, the Baltic Sea is particularly sensitive to climate changes. There is a risk that climate driven changes in temperature, ice cover, salinity and water levels will negatively impact the distribution and condition of species, habitats and ecosystem services. In a new article in Diversity and Distribution we […]
Stockholm’s marine environment – now and in the future
AquaBiota has mapped the use of Stockholm’s marine areas in a new report, on behalf of WWF. The report shows how industries and operations that require space in marine areas affect the marine environment in Stockholm County. The report identifies threats to the marine ecosystem and shows how management and planning can be improved and […]
eDNA-analyses in Svartån
Using environmental DNA (eDNA) in a study on fish species diversity in Svartån, Östergötland in Sweden proves the method to be promising in monitoring programs of rare, elusive and invasive species. This particular stream is regarded to have a high species diversity. Sampled eDNA revealed presence of 21 fish species, another 4-5 species are expected […]
The Mosaic framework is out for referral
Based on consideration for conservation values and ecological representativeness the Mosaic framework provides guidance on the prioritization of spatial marine management. The framework is now out for referral. The aim of the framework is to promote a functional, ecosystem-based and adaptive approach to spatial conservation, tailored to the marine environment’s characteristics and opportunities for knowledge […]
Research breakthrough: One jug of water reveals the fish species of a lake
AquaBiota can now present a revolutionising, and reliable, method to identify all fish species that occurs in a lake, through analysing DNA from a water sample! This is the first time this is achieved in Sweden. More than 50 Swedish lakes and streams have been investigated and the results compared with earlier exploratory fisheries. The […]
EU-grant for international research on eDNA of fish
Micaela Hellström from AquaBiota was granted a short-term grant (Short Term Scientific Mission – STSM) from EU’s COST DNAqua-Net fond (CA15219). She spent the month of July at the University of Hull, Great Britain, as a visiting scientist in Dr. Bernd Hänfling’s laboratory. The grant was intended to streamline and validate eDNA analyses of fish on […]
Article on cascade effects of predatory fish in the Baltic Sea
Abstract: Trophic cascades occur in many ecosystems, but the factors regulating them are still elusive. We suggest that an overlooked factor is that trophic interactions (TIs) are often scale-dependent and possibly interact across spatial scales. To explore the role of spatial scale for trophic cascades, and particularly the occurrence of cross-scale interactions (CSIs), we collected […]
AquaBiota now a member of a scientific committee for eDNA development
Micaela Hellström from AquaBiota is now a member of the scientific committee in the five year EU project called Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe (COST Action CA15219). The project is also called DNAqua-Net ( and deals with the implementation and refinement of environmental DNA (eDNA) according to the EU-Water […]
New report on coastal zone ecosystem services
Coastal ecosystems of the Nordic countries, such as kelp forests, blue mussel beds, eelgrass meadows and shallow bays and inlets, provide a number of supporting, provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem services to both the local communities as well as the wider population who benefit from them. The study, published by the Nordic Council of Ministers, […]
Article on the weathering processes of microplastic
Once plastic waste finds its way into the marine environment, various weathering processes lead to the generation of microplastic, release of chemical additives, and likely also production of nanoplastic and chemical fragments cleaved from the polymer backbone. However, weathering of plastic in the marine environment is not well understood in terms of time scales for […]
Detailed mapping of Hoburg Bank
Hoburg’s Bank south of Gotland has high conservation values, which we already knew. A current project is now mapping the bank’s conservation values by combining modern hydrographic surveys with biological sampling and modeling. The result will be high-resolution maps showing the distribution of benthic species and the biotopes related to high conservation values. During the […]
Marine ecosystem services: from ecological function to economic value
The final report of the VALUES project is now available (Nyström Sandman 2017). VALUES is a part of the research program “the value of ecosystem services”, funded by the Swedish EPA. This is the only project in the program with a marine focus. Through in-depth studies of two separate marine habitats, the VALUES project […]
Proposed monitoring and assessment of underwater noise in the Baltic Sea
The four-year EU LIFE+ project Baltic Sea Information on the Acoustic Soundscape (BIAS) has now come to an end. The aim of the project was to demonstrate how to implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive with regard to continuous low frequency sound in the Baltic Sea. The BIAS implementation plan describes the regional monitoring programme […]
Monitoring of crayfish and large freshwater clams using water samples
AquaBiota now offers monitoring of crayfish and large freshwater clams using eDNA. A few liters of water from a lake is enough to detect the presence of the critically endangered noble crayfish or the introduced signal crayfish. Being a vector of the crayfish plague the signal crayfish constitutes a serious threat to the native noble […]
Coastal areas of Gårdskär in Uppsala County has been mapped
AquaBiota has created maps of macro vegetation and habitats in the Gårdskär coastal area, in relation to the establishment of a marine nature reserve. The area was surveyed with underwater video, and field data from the 200 sampled stations was then used together with comprehensive maps of environmental conditions to create distribution maps of macro […]
Conservation values around Gotland
AquaBiota has performed extensive benthic surveys around southern Gotland and in the area from northwestern Fårö and Salvorev to Gotska Sandön and Kopparstenarna on behalf of the county administrative board in Gotland County. High conservation values in terms of high densities of blue mussels were found on elevations off the coast and many of these […]
Recommendations for design of monitoring programs
AquaBiota have conducted a compilation and review of monitoring programs for offshore wind power, financed by the scientific program Vindval. The report aims to answer the project objectives regarding review and evaluation of existing monitoring programs, list the environmental impacts identified, and to make recommendations for design of future monitoring programs. Wind farms in different […]
New ultra clean eDNA extraction facilities officially opened
Brand new and ultra-clean laboratory facilities – exclusively aimed for environmental DNA extractions – were officially opened February 6th. Micaela Hellström, who has participated in setting up several eDNA labs earlier, has given advice on the laboratory design. The laboratory fulfils all relevant standards for uncontaminated laboratory facilities and is run by a well-trained team […]
eDNA analyses at AquaBiota
Environmental DNA, or eDNA, is a research field that has been developed during the last 10 years and is now ready to be used as method in many types of surveys of the aquatic environment. Less than a liter of water, collected from a lake, bay or river, is enough to detect the presence of […]
Knowledge building program for deep reef habitats
On behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) AquaBiota will compile a knowledge building program for deep reef habitats in marine Atlantic region/ the North Sea. The deep reef habitats include the habitat type 1170 reefs, and the OSPAR habitats Deep-sea sponge aggregations, Lophelia pertusa reefs and Coral gardens. In these […]
Feeding habitat of Long-tailed ducks
A new publication in the journal Wildfowl shows a strong coupling between Long-tailed Ducks and the density of their food, blue mussels, in the southern Baltic Sea (Hanö bight). The study shows that although Long-tailed Ducks tend to aggregate in areas of overall high food density, patchiness of the resource also plays a significant role. […]
New article from the research project PlantFish
A new article from the research project PlantFish shows quantitative relationships between organism size and biomass, for a number of invertebrates in the shallow coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. Organism biomass is an important variable in many ecological studies. Biomass estimates is however a time consuming and expensive procedure requiring lab time, since the […]
Assessing conservation values for municipal marine comprehensive planning in southern Sweden
On behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, AquaBiota has developed a Swedish framework for conservation value assessment of the marine environment. The framework is called MOSAIC, and will serve as a tool in various forms of management – from environmental impact assessments, site protection, marine green infrastructure and, not least as […]
Important areas for harbour porpoises in Swedish waters
A new report describes important areas for harbour porpoises identified based on density or likelihood of occurrence of harbour porpoises. The eight areas identified in Swedish waters are: The northern tip of Jutland, which is used by the Skagerrak population. Fladen and Lilla Middelgrund, (3) Stora Middelgrund and the northern part of the Sound, and […]
Species richness – a promising indicator for hard substrate communities
A recently published scientific report shows the response of macrophyte indicators for the Water Framework Directive to anthropogenic gradients. Titel Response of macrophyte indicators to natural and anthropogenic gradients in two coastal areas of Sweden Summary Benthic macrophytes are known to be affected by anthropogenic activity, and therefore these communities are suitable for the assessment […]
Survey completed of the largest depth in Sweden!
The Bratten area located in Skagerack which contains the largest depth in Sweden has now been surveyed. The assignment which comprised charting of a 1206 km2 area according to hydrographic survey standard (IHO S-44) was performed during December and January by Clinton Marine Survey in cooperation with AquaBiota Water Research on behalf of Swedish Agency […]
Opinion for a national ban on micro-plastics in cosmetics
The think tank Baltic Eye at Stockholm University recently published an opinion piece in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet regarding a proposal for a national ban of micro-plastic particles in cosmetic products ( One of the scientists behind the article is AquaBiotas researcher Martin Ogonowski. Although the state of knowledge about the effects of plastic […]
Draft of a marine mapping plan submitted to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
On behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, AquaBiota has submitted a proposal on how a plan for the mapping of Sweden’s conservation values should be designed. The mapping is aimed at creating comprehensive map data of marine plants, animals and biotopes covering the entire marine Swedish waters including the economic zone. […]
New ownership of AquaBiota
From January 2016 AquaBiota is an entirely Swedish research company! The founder Martin Isaeus has bought NIVA’s shares and is now the sole owner. “ – I see great potential in AquaBiota and anticipate an exciting development in the future! We are a strong team that can continue to develop AquaBiota’s present business, and we […]
Inventories of nature values in Lidingö
AquaBiota performed a marine conservation value assessment and extensive field surveys of the coastal waters off Lidingö for Lidingö Municipality’s work with a “blue plan”. Lidingö has launched a project to increase knowledge of the municipality’s aquatic nature values. This knowledge is necessary in municipal planning to highlight conservation values, threats and opportunities for development. […]
Basis for coastal and marine planning in western Hanöbukten
The report from our project with the Municipality of Kristianstad, which aimed to develop a common basis for coastal and marine planning for Kristianstad, Simrishamn and Bromölla municipalities, is now available. It compiles and describes comprehensive information on the marine natural environment and various human interests in the western Hanö Bight. The majority of these […]
IrPlast and Weather-mic – two new research projects aiming to increase our knowledge on plastic litter degradation processes and their spatial distribution
AquaBiota has, since recently, an ongoing project on microplastics (MPs) that assesses the toxicity of these particles and their effects on aquatic food webs. Our understanding of the processes governing plastic decomposition/weathering is however scant. Moreover, there are no standardized methods for the identification and quantification of microplastics from environmental samples. To develop our understanding […]
Marine survey of Natura 2000-area Bratten and development of a method for a more efficient use of depth data
Commissioned by Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM), the Natura2000-area Bratten in Skagerrak will be hydrographic surveyed by AquaBiota in collaboration with Clinton Marine Survey. In conjunction with this, marine survey data is also collected from shallow coastal waters with the purpose of interpreting benthic biotopes. A multibeam echo sounder capable of recording […]
End of the six-year water management cycle
The second six-year water management cycle will end during the month of December and a now one will start at 2016. At the end of this cycle, all so called surface water bodies shall have reached the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) “good ecological status” or “good ecological potential”. Moreover, no surface water body that have […]
Two reports concerning Marine Green Infrastructure
Figure 1. A schematic figure of central components of the suggested framework of Marine Green Infrastructure. A “Core” (värdekärna) is a location of an ecosystem component (species, species complex or habitat) with a high conservation value, based on criteria relating to biodiversity, threat and ecosystem services. A “Value Area” (värdetrakt) is an area with many […]
A national survey of Baltic habitats
During August and September AquaBiota has performed an extensive survey of reefs and large shallow inlets and bays along the Swedish Baltic coast. The aim has been to verify and follow up status for the habitats within the Natura 2000 system. 600 stations has been investigated, with start in Västerbotten and finish in Skåne by […]
National data compilation
During the autumn of 2015, AquaBiota will carry out a national collection and compilation of marine species data on behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Part of the work comprises an assessment of the suitability of the collected data to be used for modeling purposes in a planned mapping of the […]
Production on brominated compounds in the alga Ceramium tenuicorne
New scientific publication in Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Title Induced production of brominated aromatic compounds in the alga Ceramium tenuicorne Abstract In the Baltic Sea, high concentrations of toxic brominated aromatic compounds have been detected in all compartments of the marine food web. A growing body of evidence points towards filamentous algae as a […]
Potential breeding area identified for the critically endangered Baltic Sea harbour porpoise
The number of porpoises in the critically endangered Baltic Sea population has been estimated to approximately 450 animals (95% confidence limits 90-997). Modelled maps of porpoise seasonal distribution show that the most important area during May-December when porpoises give birth, nurse their calves and mate, is around the midsea banks south of Gotland. These results […]
Cyanobacteria support zooplankton
New scientific publication in PLoS ONE shows that bloom-forming cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea support the development and reproduction of zooplankton, (i.e. copepods, which are an essential link to fish). Title Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria Support Copepod Reproduction and Development in the Baltic Sea Abstract It is commonly accepted that summer cyanobacterial blooms cannot be efficiently utilized […]
Planning tool for underwater noise
On 26 november 2014 HELCOM organized a workshop in Helsingfors on underwater noise. The aim of the workshop was to carry out a stock-taking of on-going activities for the MSFD descriptor D11, and based on this to discuss and plan the development of joint regional monitoring as well as the next steps for development of […]
MARMONI Final Conference
“Innovative indicators, methods, monitoring & assessment of marine biodiversity in the Baltic Sea” Start: 27 January 2015; 13.00 Slut: 28 January 2015; 13:30 Location: The Baltic Beach Hotel in Jurmala, Latvia At the 27-28 of January the final conference MARMONI “Innovative indicators, methods, monitoring & assessment of marine biodiversity in the Baltic Sea” will take […]
Workshop: “Review of draft Programme of Measures for Marine Strategy Framework Directive”
In the first week of November (2014) Havsmiljöinstitutet arranged a workshop in Gothenburg to review of draft programme of measures for Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Julia Carlström and Martin Ogonowski from AquaBiota participated as invited experts. The programme of measures for the Baltic and the North Sea is the last part of the first […]
The interlink between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Marine spatial planning
AquaBiota participated with two platform presentations in the international conference ”The interlink between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Marine spatial planning” in Riga 21-22 October 2014. The conference had ca 75 participants from a range of institutions including the EU Commission, Baltic Sea governments, authorites, research institutes and non-governmental organizations. The main aim of […]
New scientific publication
Title Assessing uncertainty associated with the monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas Abstract Marine spatial planning (MSP) is advocated to support an ecosystem approach to marine management, as it allows consideration of multiple management objectives including marine conservation. The monitoring and evaluation of both implemented marine plans and the planning process itself is susceptible […]
Study from China
On 20 September, AqB hosted a delegation of six Chinese officials who were on a short visit to Sweden. The visit is part of a project run by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and is funded by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. It is included as part of the implementation of the Stockholm Convention. […]
EU Directive for marine spatial planning comes into force
The European Parliament and the Council adopted legislation to create a common framework for maritime spatial planning in Europe during the summer. The new directive was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 28th August and comes into force today 17th September (20 days after its publication). The implementation of this directive […]
New co-worker
Hedvig Hogfors, PhD marine ecology, has started to work at AquaBiota. Previously Hedvig has worked with various issues related to aquatic ecology – primarily with questions about the effects of cyanobacterial blooms, eutrophication and climate change. She has also worked with linking national and regional environmental monitoring programs and designed municipal environmental monitoring plans. Furthermore […]
Predictive Modeling and Mapping
New scientific publication Title Testing the Potential for Predictive Modeling and Mapping and Extending Its Use as a Tool for Evaluating Management Scenarios and Economic Valuation in the Baltic Sea (PREHAB) Abstract We evaluated performance of species distribution models for predictive mapping, and how models can be used to integrate human pressures into ecological and […]
New report from the SUPERB project
Underwater biotopes and anthropogenic pressures in Holmöarna Sammanfattning Vi har för Holmöarna modellerat utbredningen av biotoper klassade enligt HELCOM Underwater Biotope and habitat classification (HUB). Systemet har utvecklats för att ge en gemensam förståelse för Östersjöns biotoper, habitat och samhällen. I modelleringen har vi även testat hur substratinformation, både från fältdata och klassat från Lidar, […]
Eutrophication management scenarios
Eutrophication management scenarios Ny vetenskaplig publikation Titel Evaluating eutrophication management scenarios in the Baltic Sea using species distribution modelling Summary Eutrophication is severely affecting species distributions and ecosystem functioning in coastal areas. Targets for eutrophication reduction have been set in the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) using Secchi depth, a measure of water transparency, as […]
New report; Natura 2000 habitat types
Sandbanks, reefs, Baltic esker islands and boreal Baltic islets and small islands A report on mapping the potential distribution of the habitat types 1110 sandbanks, 1170 reefs, 1610 Baltic esker islands and 1620 boreal Baltic islets and small islands in Västernorrland, Södermanland, Östergötland, Blekinge and Skåne counties, as well as Gullmarsfjorden and a Skagerrak area […]
Underwater noise in the Baltic Sea
AquaBiota participates in the EU LIFE+ project BIAS, which acts to support the management of underwater noise in the Baltic Sea. The project will establish an implementation plan with standards, methodologies, and tools which facilitate the handling of underwater noise within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. While sound measurements are carried out during 2014, at […]
Species–environment relationships
Species–environment relationships New scientific publication Titel Species–environment relationships and potential for distribution modelling in coastal waters Abstract Due to increasing pressure on the marine environment there is a growing need to understand species–environment relationships. To provide background for prioritising among variables (predictors) for use in distribution models, the relevance of predictors for benthic species was […]
SAMBAH conference on porpoises
8th-9th Dec 2014, at Kolmården Wildlife Park, Sweden Kolmården Wildlife Park and AquaBiota has the pleasure to invite you to the SAMBAH end-of project conference, to be held 8-9 December 2014. Here, the final results of SAMBAH will be presented, including abundance estimates and distribution maps of harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea, and the […]
New reports; Stockholm, Sörmland
Marin modelling Stockholm Södermanland (MMSS) Two reports from the project Marin modelling Stockholm Södermanland (MMSS) are now published. Report summary There is a great need for increased knowledge on the marine environment, both for regional and local coastal planning, and as a basis for supervision and decision making under the Environmental Code. Maps of the […]
Here are the Baltic harbour porpoises!
Photo: Patrik Eld. Results from the SAMBAH project clearly shows harbour porpoises to be present in a large part of the Baltic Proper. Please read more in the press release.