Sidor / poster med medarbetare.
Hitta specifik medarbetare genom att klicka Ctrl + F och sök på namn, alternativt Cmd + F på Mac.MYSTIC – Mysid-Stickleback Interactions with Coastal Predatory Fish in the Baltic Sea ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Research project for improved drinking water quality in Jämtlands mountain range ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›CARAMBHA – Cumulative impact assessment of marine benthic habitats ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Breakthrough in monitoring methods of polar bears through snow tracks. News from the BBC. ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›The harmful pink salmon is surveyed in Sweden in an international eDNA survey ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Identifying areas prone to coastal hypoxia – the role of topography ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›State-of the-art methods to increase knowledge of response to climate change in the Baltic Sea ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Conservation and nested targets within marine protected areas in Sweden ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›eDNA-technology detected 18 fish species including sheatfish in lake Båven ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Fieldworks 2018 for the Swedish marine mapping program is now completed ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›DNA-based identification of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) individuals from snow tracks ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›New scientific publication on the distribution of Baltic harbour porpoises ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›eDNA-inventories as decision support in Environmental Impact Assessments ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Bladderwrack in the Baltic may be severely affected by climate change ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Research breakthrough: One jug of water reveals the fish species of a lake ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Marine ecosystem services: from ecological function to economic value ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Proposed monitoring and assessment of underwater noise in the Baltic Sea ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Assessing conservation values for municipal marine comprehensive planning in southern Sweden ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Species richness – a promising indicator for hard substrate communities ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Draft of a marine mapping plan submitted to the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›IrPlast and Weather-mic – two new research projects aiming to increase our knowledge on plastic litter degradation processes and their spatial distribution ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Marine survey of Natura 2000-area Bratten and development of a method for a more efficient use of depth data ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Potential breeding area identified for the critically endangered Baltic Sea harbour porpoise ( post )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Workshop: “Review of draft Programme of Measures for Marine Strategy Framework Directive” ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›The interlink between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Marine spatial planning ( post )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Water plans, blue plans and programmes of measures ( page )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Mosaic – a tool for ecosystem-based management of marine natural values ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Deep reef environments in Skagerrak – analysis of potential habitats for coral and sponges ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Field surveys for mapping conservation values in the Swedish part of the Baltic Proper ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›IMAGINE – Implications of Alternative Management Strategies on Marine Green Infrastructure ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Blue mussels and their relation to long-tailed duck on a Baltic offshore bank ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Monitoring of large shallow inlets and bays and reefs in the Bothnian Sea and the Baltic Proper ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›NISSES – Non-Indigenous Species in Swedish seas: development of Environmental Status indicators ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›MARMONI – Innovative approaches for marine biodiversity monitoring and assessment of conservation status of nature values in the Baltic Sea ( project )
Martin Isæus
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›Review of environmental impact assessments for national marine spatial plans ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Strategic Environmental Assessment of marine renewable energy sources ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Ecological and ecotoxicological effects of microplastics and associated contaminants on aquatic biota ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›HUB – HELCOM Underwater Biotopes and habitats classification system ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›MESMA – Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›SUBERB – Mapping conservation values in the Gulf of Bothnia ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›MMSS – Marine modelling in the counties of Stockholm and Sörmland ( project )
Antonia Nyström Sandman
Länk ›PREHAB – Methods for ecological mapping and economic valuation of benthic habitats ( project )
Martin Isæus
Länk ›Sidor / poster utan medarbetare.
AquaBiota – part of the NIRAS group ( post )
Länk ›AquaBiota Gasell 2022 ( post )
Länk ›‘Mixed species groups in mammals’, one of 16 classic papers celebrating 50 years of Mammal Review ( post )
Länk ›wpd wind power park Eystrasalt ( project )
Länk ›Ox2 Wind power park Galatea – Galene ( project )
Länk ›OX2 Wind power park Aurora ( project )
Länk ›Harbour porpoise monitoring ( page )
Länk ›IMAGINE summarized ( post )
Länk ›Comparisons of traditional net fishing and eDNA sampling for coastal fish surveys ( post )
Länk ›AquaBiota is out of office 6th to 26th July ( post )
Länk ›AquaBiota is moving to a new address ( post )
Länk ›Limnic environmental monitoring in Sundstatjärn ( post )
Länk ›All pages with coworkers in sidebar ( page )
Länk ›Fish assemblages & habitat patterns in the Baltic Sea ( post )
Länk ›eDNA – examples of species we have detected ( page )
Länk ›Temperature drives cod movements ( post )
Länk ›This is how eDNA-sampling works ( page )
Länk ›New ownership of AquaBiota ( post )
Länk ›Profile ( page )
Länk ›Collaborating Partners ( page )
Länk ›Scientific publications ( page )
Länk ›Reports ( page )
Länk ›New report; Natura 2000 habitat types ( post )
Länk ›Contact ( page )
Länk ›eDNA ( services )
Länk ›Archive ( page )
Länk ›Surveys of species and conservation values ( services )
Länk ›Analysis of zoobenthic communities in monitoring program for marine sand extraction ( project )
Länk ›Conservation value assessment of coastal environments in Kalmar County ( project )
Länk ›Co-workers ( page )
Länk ›Surveys linked to thermal power station in Lövsta and a new harbor ( project )
Länk ›SAMBAH ( project )
Länk ›