Based on consideration for conservation values and ecological representativeness the Mosaic framework provides guidance on the prioritization of spatial marine management. The framework is now out for referral. The aim of the framework is to promote a functional, ecosystem-based and adaptive approach to spatial conservation, tailored to the marine environment’s characteristics and opportunities for knowledge […]
Archives for September 2017
Research breakthrough: One jug of water reveals the fish species of a lake
AquaBiota can now present a revolutionising, and reliable, method to identify all fish species that occurs in a lake, through analysing DNA from a water sample! This is the first time this is achieved in Sweden. More than 50 Swedish lakes and streams have been investigated and the results compared with earlier exploratory fisheries. The […]
EU-grant for international research on eDNA of fish
Micaela Hellström from AquaBiota was granted a short-term grant (Short Term Scientific Mission – STSM) from EU’s COST DNAqua-Net fond (CA15219). She spent the month of July at the University of Hull, Great Britain, as a visiting scientist in Dr. Bernd Hänfling’s laboratory. The grant was intended to streamline and validate eDNA analyses of fish on […]
Article on cascade effects of predatory fish in the Baltic Sea
Abstract: Trophic cascades occur in many ecosystems, but the factors regulating them are still elusive. We suggest that an overlooked factor is that trophic interactions (TIs) are often scale-dependent and possibly interact across spatial scales. To explore the role of spatial scale for trophic cascades, and particularly the occurrence of cross-scale interactions (CSIs), we collected […]