Micaela Hellström from AquaBiota is now a member of the scientific committee in the five year EU project called Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe (COST Action CA15219). The project is also called DNAqua-Net (http://dnaqua.net/) and deals with the implementation and refinement of environmental DNA (eDNA) according to the EU-Water […]
Archives for March 2017
New report on coastal zone ecosystem services
Coastal ecosystems of the Nordic countries, such as kelp forests, blue mussel beds, eelgrass meadows and shallow bays and inlets, provide a number of supporting, provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem services to both the local communities as well as the wider population who benefit from them. The study, published by the Nordic Council of Ministers, […]
Article on the weathering processes of microplastic
Once plastic waste finds its way into the marine environment, various weathering processes lead to the generation of microplastic, release of chemical additives, and likely also production of nanoplastic and chemical fragments cleaved from the polymer backbone. However, weathering of plastic in the marine environment is not well understood in terms of time scales for […]
Detailed mapping of Hoburg Bank
Hoburg’s Bank south of Gotland has high conservation values, which we already knew. A current project is now mapping the bank’s conservation values by combining modern hydrographic surveys with biological sampling and modeling. The result will be high-resolution maps showing the distribution of benthic species and the biotopes related to high conservation values. During the […]
Marine ecosystem services: from ecological function to economic value
The final report of the VALUES project is now available (Nyström Sandman et.al. 2017). VALUES is a part of the research program “the value of ecosystem services”, funded by the Swedish EPA. This is the only project in the program with a marine focus. Through in-depth studies of two separate marine habitats, the VALUES project […]